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November 17, 2023

Home-Based Business 108

1 Enrolled

In this set of videos, we will discuss non-profit organizations, their benefits and their relationship with for-profit corporations.

  • Video 1 – In this video we learn about non-profit organizations, specifically the Community Development Corporation, and how they can be used to empower your community.
  • Video 2 – In this video we discuss the hybrid model of having a for-profit and a non-profit business working together to create a win-win situation for everyone involved.
  • Video 3 – This video is an interview with Phillippia Faust; expert grant writer and winner of multi-million dollar grants.  Phillippia explains what is required to write winning grant proposals, how to fulfill the grant mandates and how to keep the funds flowing.

Course Content

Home-Based Business 108

  • Video Training 1
  • Video Training 2
  • Video Training 3
Lectures: 3
Students: Max 2000
Level: All Levels
Language: English
Certificate: No

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